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- import { b as ChannelTransport, a as Config, d as ChannelHandler, c as ChannelEvent, C as Channel } from '../main-c55d8855.js';
- declare const KEY = "storybook-channel";
- declare class PostMessageTransport implements ChannelTransport {
- private readonly config;
- private buffer;
- private handler?;
- private connected;
- constructor(config: Config);
- setHandler(handler: ChannelHandler): void;
- /**
- * Sends `event` to the associated window. If the window does not yet exist
- * the event will be stored in a buffer and sent when the window exists.
- * @param event
- */
- send(event: ChannelEvent, options?: any): Promise<any>;
- private flush;
- private getFrames;
- private getCurrentFrames;
- private getLocalFrame;
- private handleEvent;
- }
- /**
- * @deprecated This export is deprecated. Use `PostMessageTransport` instead. This API will be removed in 8.0.
- */
- declare const PostmsgTransport: typeof PostMessageTransport;
- /**
- * @deprecated This function is deprecated. Use the `createBrowserChannel` factory function from `@storybook/channels` instead. This API will be removed in 8.0.
- * @param {Config} config - The configuration object.
- * @returns {Channel} The channel instance.
- */
- declare function createChannel({ page }: Config): Channel;
- export { KEY, PostMessageTransport, PostmsgTransport, createChannel, createChannel as default };