123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185 |
- import { PresetConfig, CoreCommon_ResolvedAddonPreset, CoreCommon_ResolvedAddonVirtual, LoadedPreset, Presets, CLIOptions, LoadOptions, BuilderOptions, StorybookConfig, CoreCommon_AddonInfo, Options as Options$2, PackageJson, CoreCommon_StorybookInfo, Ref, StoriesEntry, NormalizedStoriesSpecifier } from '@storybook/types';
- import * as Cache from 'file-system-cache';
- import Cache__default from 'file-system-cache';
- type InterPresetOptions = Omit<CLIOptions & LoadOptions & BuilderOptions & {
- isCritical?: boolean;
- build?: StorybookConfig['build'];
- }, 'frameworkPresets'>;
- declare function filterPresetsConfig(presetsConfig: PresetConfig[]): PresetConfig[];
- /**
- * Parse an addon into either a managerEntries or a preset. Throw on invalid input.
- *
- * Valid inputs:
- * - '@storybook/addon-actions/manager'
- * => { type: 'virtual', item }
- *
- * - '@storybook/addon-docs/preset'
- * => { type: 'presets', item }
- *
- * - '@storybook/addon-docs'
- * => { type: 'presets', item: '@storybook/addon-docs/preset' }
- *
- * - { name: '@storybook/addon-docs(/preset)?', options: { ... } }
- * => { type: 'presets', item: { name: '@storybook/addon-docs/preset', options } }
- */
- declare const resolveAddonName: (configDir: string, name: string, options: any) => CoreCommon_ResolvedAddonPreset | CoreCommon_ResolvedAddonVirtual | undefined;
- declare function loadPreset(input: PresetConfig, level: number, storybookOptions: InterPresetOptions): Promise<LoadedPreset[]>;
- declare function getPresets(presets: PresetConfig[], storybookOptions: InterPresetOptions): Promise<Presets>;
- declare function loadAllPresets(options: CLIOptions & LoadOptions & BuilderOptions & {
- corePresets: PresetConfig[];
- overridePresets: PresetConfig[];
- /** Whether preset failures should be critical or not */
- isCritical?: boolean;
- build?: StorybookConfig['build'];
- }): Promise<Presets>;
- declare const cache: Cache.FileSystemCache;
- interface Options$1 {
- before: CoreCommon_AddonInfo;
- after: CoreCommon_AddonInfo;
- configFile: string;
- getConfig: (path: string) => any;
- }
- declare const checkAddonOrder: ({ before, after, configFile, getConfig }: Options$1) => Promise<void>;
- declare function loadEnvs(options?: {
- production?: boolean;
- }): {
- stringified: Record<string, string>;
- raw: Record<string, string>;
- };
- declare const stringifyEnvs: (raw: Record<string, string>) => Record<string, string>;
- declare const stringifyProcessEnvs: (raw: Record<string, string>) => Record<string, string>;
- declare const findDistEsm: (cwd: string, relativePath: string) => string;
- declare const commonGlobOptions: (glob: string) => {
- ignore?: undefined;
- } | {
- ignore: string[];
- };
- /**
- * Builder options can be specified in `core.builder.options` or `framework.options.builder`.
- * Preference is given here to `framework.options.builder` if both are specified.
- */
- declare function getBuilderOptions<T extends Record<string, any>>(options: Options$2): Promise<T | Record<string, never>>;
- /**
- * Framework can be a string or an object. This utility always returns the string name.
- */
- declare function getFrameworkName(options: Options$2): Promise<string>;
- /**
- * Render is set as a string on core. It must be set by the framework
- */
- declare function getRendererName(options: Options$2): Promise<string>;
- declare function getStorybookConfiguration(storybookScript: string, shortName: string, longName: string): string | null;
- declare const rendererPackages: Record<string, string>;
- declare const frameworkPackages: Record<string, string>;
- declare const builderPackages: string[];
- declare const findConfigFile: (prefix: string, configDir: string) => string | null;
- declare const getStorybookInfo: (packageJson: PackageJson, configDir?: string) => CoreCommon_StorybookInfo;
- declare const getAutoRefs: (options: Options$2) => Promise<Record<string, Ref>>;
- declare function getRefs(options: Options$2): Promise<Record<string, Ref>>;
- declare function globToRegexp(glob: string): RegExp;
- declare function handlebars(source: string, data: any): string;
- /**
- * Return a string corresponding to template filled with bindings using following pattern:
- * For each (key, value) of `bindings` replace, in template, `{{key}}` by escaped version of `value`
- *
- * @param template {String} Template with `{{binding}}`
- * @param bindings {Object} key-value object use to fill the template, `{{key}}` will be replaced by `escaped(value)`
- * @returns {String} Filled template
- */
- declare const interpolate: (template: string, bindings: Record<string, string>) => string;
- declare const boost: Set<string>;
- declare function getInterpretedFile(pathToFile: string): string | undefined;
- declare function getInterpretedFileWithExt(pathToFile: string): {
- path: string;
- ext: string;
- } | undefined;
- declare function interopRequireDefault(filePath: string): any;
- declare function serverRequire(filePath: string | string[]): any;
- declare function serverResolve(filePath: string | string[]): string | null;
- declare function loadCustomPresets({ configDir }: {
- configDir: string;
- }): PresetConfig[];
- declare function loadMainConfig({ configDir, noCache, }: {
- configDir: string;
- noCache?: boolean;
- }): Promise<StorybookConfig>;
- declare function loadManagerOrAddonsFile({ configDir }: {
- configDir: string;
- }): string | undefined;
- declare function loadPreviewOrConfigFile({ configDir }: {
- configDir: string;
- }): string | undefined;
- declare function logConfig(caption: unknown, config: unknown): void;
- declare const getDirectoryFromWorkingDir: ({ configDir, workingDir, directory, }: NormalizeOptions & {
- directory: string;
- }) => string;
- declare const normalizeStoriesEntry: (entry: StoriesEntry, { configDir, workingDir, defaultFilesPattern }: NormalizeOptions) => NormalizedStoriesSpecifier;
- interface NormalizeOptions {
- configDir: string;
- workingDir: string;
- defaultFilesPattern?: string;
- }
- declare const normalizeStories: (entries: StoriesEntry[], options: NormalizeOptions) => NormalizedStoriesSpecifier[];
- declare const getProjectRoot: () => string;
- declare const nodePathsToArray: (nodePath: string) => string[];
- /**
- * Ensures that a path starts with `./` or `../`, or is entirely `.` or `..`
- */
- declare function normalizeStoryPath(filename: string): string;
- declare function readTemplate(filename: string): Promise<string>;
- /**
- * Get the path of the file or directory with input name inside the Storybook cache directory:
- * - `node_modules/.cache/storybook/{directoryName}` in a Node.js project or npm package
- * - `.cache/storybook/{directoryName}` otherwise
- *
- * @param fileOrDirectoryName {string} Name of the file or directory
- * @return {string} Absolute path to the file or directory
- */
- declare function resolvePathInStorybookCache(fileOrDirectoryName: string): string;
- declare function isPreservingSymlinks(): boolean | undefined;
- declare function getPreviewBodyTemplate(configDirPath: string, interpolations?: Record<string, string>): string;
- declare function getPreviewHeadTemplate(configDirPath: string, interpolations?: Record<string, string>): string;
- declare function validateFrameworkName(frameworkName: string | undefined): asserts frameworkName is string;
- declare function validateConfigurationFiles(configDir: string): Promise<void>;
- /**
- * Mimicking the satisfies operator until we can upgrade to TS4.9
- */
- declare function satisfies<A>(): <T extends A>(x: T) => T;
- declare function stripAbsNodeModulesPath(absPath: string): string;
- type Options = Parameters<typeof Cache__default>['0'];
- type FileSystemCache = ReturnType<typeof Cache__default>;
- declare function createFileSystemCache(options: Options): FileSystemCache;
- export { boost, builderPackages, cache, checkAddonOrder, commonGlobOptions, createFileSystemCache, filterPresetsConfig, findConfigFile, findDistEsm, frameworkPackages, getAutoRefs, getBuilderOptions, getDirectoryFromWorkingDir, getFrameworkName, getInterpretedFile, getInterpretedFileWithExt, getPresets, getPreviewBodyTemplate, getPreviewHeadTemplate, getProjectRoot, getRefs, getRendererName, getStorybookConfiguration, getStorybookInfo, globToRegexp, handlebars, interopRequireDefault, interpolate, isPreservingSymlinks, loadAllPresets, loadCustomPresets, loadEnvs, loadMainConfig, loadManagerOrAddonsFile, loadPreset, loadPreviewOrConfigFile, logConfig, nodePathsToArray, normalizeStories, normalizeStoriesEntry, normalizeStoryPath, readTemplate, rendererPackages, resolveAddonName, resolvePathInStorybookCache, satisfies, serverRequire, serverResolve, stringifyEnvs, stringifyProcessEnvs, stripAbsNodeModulesPath, validateConfigurationFiles, validateFrameworkName };