123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855 |
- import React, { ReactNode, Component, ReactElement, FC } from 'react';
- import { API_ProviderData, API_IframeRenderer, Addon_Types, Addon_TypesEnum, Addon_Collection, Addon_TypesMapping, API_Panels, API_StateMerger, API_Provider, API_Notification, StoryId, API_Settings, API_LoadedRefData, API_PreparedStoryIndex, API_ViewMode, API_StatusState, API_FilterFunction, API_HashEntry, API_LeafEntry, API_StoryEntry, Args, API_IndexHash, API_ComposedRef, API_StatusUpdate, API_DocsEntry, API_Refs, API_SetRefData, API_ComposedRefUpdate, API_Layout, API_UI, API_PanelPositions, API_Versions, API_UnknownEntries, API_Version, Globals, GlobalTypes, Addon_BaseType, Addon_SidebarTopType, Addon_SidebarBottomType, Addon_PageType, Addon_WrapperType, Addon_Config, API_OptionsData, Parameters, ArgTypes } from '@storybook/types';
- export { Addon_Type as Addon, API_ComponentEntry as ComponentEntry, API_ComposedRef as ComposedRef, API_DocsEntry as DocsEntry, API_GroupEntry as GroupEntry, API_HashEntry as HashEntry, API_IndexHash as IndexHash, API_LeafEntry as LeafEntry, API_Refs as Refs, API_RootEntry as RootEntry, API_IndexHash as StoriesHash, API_StoryEntry as StoryEntry } from '@storybook/types';
- import { RouterData, NavigateOptions } from '@storybook/router';
- import { Listener, Channel } from '@storybook/channels';
- export { Listener as ChannelListener } from '@storybook/channels';
- import { toId } from '@storybook/csf';
- import { ThemeVars } from '@storybook/theming';
- import { WhatsNewData } from '@storybook/core-events';
- type GetState = () => State;
- type SetState = (a: any, b: any) => any;
- interface Upstream {
- getState: GetState;
- setState: SetState;
- }
- type Patch = Partial<State>;
- type InputFnPatch = (s: State) => Patch;
- type InputPatch = Patch | InputFnPatch;
- interface Options {
- persistence: 'none' | 'session' | string;
- }
- type CallBack = (s: State) => void;
- declare class Store {
- upstreamGetState: GetState;
- upstreamSetState: SetState;
- constructor({ setState, getState }: Upstream);
- getInitialState(base: State): any;
- getState(): State;
- setState(inputPatch: InputPatch, options?: Options): Promise<State>;
- setState(inputPatch: InputPatch, callback?: CallBack, options?: Options): Promise<State>;
- }
- type ModuleFn<APIType = unknown, StateType = unknown> = (m: ModuleArgs, options?: any) => {
- init?: () => void | Promise<void>;
- api: APIType;
- state: StateType;
- };
- type ModuleArgs = RouterData & API_ProviderData<API> & {
- mode?: 'production' | 'development';
- state: State;
- fullAPI: API;
- store: Store;
- };
- interface SubAPI$c {
- renderPreview?: API_IframeRenderer;
- }
- interface SubAPI$b {
- /**
- * Returns a collection of elements of a specific type.
- * @protected This is used internally in storybook's manager.
- * @template T - The type of the elements in the collection.
- * @param {Addon_Types | Addon_TypesEnum.experimental_PAGE} type - The type of the elements to retrieve.
- * @returns {API_Collection<T>} - A collection of elements of the specified type.
- */
- getElements: <T extends Addon_Types | Addon_TypesEnum.experimental_PAGE | Addon_TypesEnum.experimental_SIDEBAR_BOTTOM | Addon_TypesEnum.experimental_SIDEBAR_TOP = Addon_Types>(type: T) => Addon_Collection<Addon_TypesMapping[T]>;
- /**
- * Returns a collection of all panels.
- * This is the same as calling getElements('panel')
- * @protected This is used internally in storybook's manager.
- * @deprecated please use getElements('panel') instead. This API will be removed in storybook 8.0.
- * @returns {API_Panels} - A collection of all panels.
- */
- getPanels: () => API_Panels;
- /**
- * Returns a collection of panels currently enabled for the selected story.
- * @protected This is used internally in storybook's manager.
- * @deprecated please use getElements('panel') instead, and do the filtering manually. This API will be removed in storybook 8.0.
- * @returns {API_Panels} - A collection of all panels.
- */
- getStoryPanels: () => API_Panels;
- /**
- * Returns the id of the currently selected panel.
- * @returns {string} - The ID of the currently selected panel.
- */
- getSelectedPanel: () => string;
- /**
- * Sets the currently selected panel via it's ID.
- * @param {string} panelName - The ID of the panel to select.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- setSelectedPanel: (panelName: string) => void;
- /**
- * Sets the state of an addon with the given ID.
- * @template S - The type of the addon state.
- * @param {string} addonId - The ID of the addon to set the state for.
- * @param {S | API_StateMerger<S>} newStateOrMerger - The new state to set, or a function which receives the current state and returns the new state.
- * @param {Options} [options] - Optional options for the state update.
- * @deprecated This API might get dropped, if you are using this, please file an issue.
- * @returns {Promise<S>} - A promise that resolves with the new state after it has been set.
- */
- setAddonState<S>(addonId: string, newStateOrMerger: S | API_StateMerger<S>, options?: Options): Promise<S>;
- /**
- * Returns the state of an addon with the given ID.
- * @template S - The type of the addon state.
- * @param {string} addonId - The ID of the addon to get the state for.
- * @deprecated This API might get dropped, if you are using this, please file an issue.
- * @returns {S} - The state of the addon with the given ID.
- */
- getAddonState<S>(addonId: string): S;
- }
- interface SubAPI$a {
- /**
- * Returns the channel object.
- * @protected Please do not use, it's for internal use only.
- */
- getChannel: () => API_Provider<API>['channel'];
- /**
- * Adds a listener to the channel for the given event type.
- * Returns a function that can be called to remove the listener.
- * @param type - The event type to listen for. If using a core event, import it from `@storybook/core-events`.
- * @param handler - The callback function to be called when the event is emitted.
- * @returns A function that can be called to remove the listener.
- */
- on: (type: string, handler: Listener) => () => void;
- /**
- * Removes a listener from the channel for the given event type.
- * @param type - The event type to remove the listener from. If using a core event, import it from `@storybook/core-events`.
- * @param handler - The callback function to be removed.
- */
- off: (type: string, handler: Listener) => void;
- /**
- * Emits an event on the channel for the given event type.
- * @param type - The event type to emit. If using a core event, import it from `@storybook/core-events`.
- * @param args - The arguments to pass to the event listener.
- */
- emit: (type: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
- /**
- * Adds a one-time listener to the channel for the given event type.
- * @param type - The event type to listen for. If using a core event, import it from `@storybook/core-events`.
- * @param handler - The callback function to be called when the event is emitted.
- */
- once: (type: string, handler: Listener) => void;
- /**
- * Emits an event to collapse all stories in the UI.
- * @deprecated Use `emit(STORIES_COLLAPSE_ALL)` instead. This API will be removed in Storybook 8.0.
- */
- collapseAll: () => void;
- /**
- * Emits an event to expand all stories in the UI.
- * @deprecated Use `emit(STORIES_EXPAND_ALL)` instead. This API will be removed in Storybook 8.0.
- */
- expandAll: () => void;
- }
- interface SubState$9 {
- notifications: API_Notification[];
- }
- /**
- * The API for managing notifications.
- */
- interface SubAPI$9 {
- /**
- * Adds a new notification to the list of notifications.
- * If a notification with the same ID already exists, it will be replaced.
- * @param notification - The notification to add.
- */
- addNotification: (notification: API_Notification) => void;
- /**
- * Removes a notification from the list of notifications and calls the onClear callback.
- * @param id - The ID of the notification to remove.
- */
- clearNotification: (id: string) => void;
- }
- interface SubAPI$8 {
- storeSelection: () => void;
- retrieveSelection: () => StoryId;
- /**
- * Changes the active settings tab.
- * @param path - The path of the settings page to navigate to. The path NOT should include the `/settings` prefix.
- * @example changeSettingsTab(`about`).
- */
- changeSettingsTab: (path: string) => void;
- /**
- * Closes the settings screen and returns to the last tracked story or the first story.
- */
- closeSettings: () => void;
- /**
- * Checks if the settings screen is currently active.
- * @returns A boolean indicating whether the settings screen is active.
- */
- isSettingsScreenActive: () => boolean;
- /**
- * Navigates to the specified settings page.
- * @param path - The path of the settings page to navigate to. The path should include the `/settings` prefix.
- * @example navigateToSettingsPage(`/settings/about`).
- * @deprecated Use `changeSettingsTab` instead.
- */
- navigateToSettingsPage: (path: string) => Promise<void>;
- }
- interface SubState$8 {
- settings: API_Settings;
- }
- type Direction = -1 | 1;
- type ParameterName = string;
- type StoryUpdate = Partial<Pick<API_StoryEntry, 'prepared' | 'parameters' | 'initialArgs' | 'argTypes' | 'args'>>;
- type DocsUpdate = Partial<Pick<API_DocsEntry, 'prepared' | 'parameters'>>;
- interface SubState$7 extends API_LoadedRefData {
- storyId: StoryId;
- internal_index?: API_PreparedStoryIndex;
- viewMode: API_ViewMode;
- status: API_StatusState;
- filters: Record<string, API_FilterFunction>;
- }
- interface SubAPI$7 {
- /**
- * The `storyId` method is a reference to the `toId` function from `@storybook/csf`, which is used to generate a unique ID for a story.
- * This ID is used to identify a specific story in the Storybook index.
- *
- * @type {typeof toId}
- */
- storyId: typeof toId;
- /**
- * Resolves a story, docs, component or group ID to its corresponding hash entry in the index.
- *
- * @param {StoryId} storyId - The ID of the story to resolve.
- * @param {string} [refsId] - The ID of the refs to use for resolving the story.
- * @returns {API_HashEntry} - The hash entry corresponding to the given story ID.
- */
- resolveStory: (storyId: StoryId, refsId?: string) => API_HashEntry;
- /**
- * Selects the first story to display in the Storybook UI.
- *
- * @returns {void}
- */
- selectFirstStory: () => void;
- /**
- * Selects a story to display in the Storybook UI.
- *
- * @param {string} [kindOrId] - The kind or ID of the story to select.
- * @param {StoryId} [story] - The ID of the story to select.
- * @param {Object} [obj] - An optional object containing additional options.
- * @param {string} [obj.ref] - The ref ID of the story to select.
- * @param {API_ViewMode} [obj.viewMode] - The view mode to display the story in.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- selectStory: (kindOrId?: string, story?: StoryId, obj?: {
- ref?: string;
- viewMode?: API_ViewMode;
- }) => void;
- /**
- * Returns the current story's data, including its ID, kind, name, and parameters.
- *
- * @returns {API_LeafEntry} The current story's data.
- */
- getCurrentStoryData: () => API_LeafEntry;
- /**
- * Sets the prepared story index to the given value.
- *
- * @param {API_PreparedStoryIndex} index - The prepared story index to set.
- * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the prepared story index has been set.
- */
- setIndex: (index: API_PreparedStoryIndex) => Promise<void>;
- /**
- * Jumps to the next or previous component in the index.
- *
- * @param {Direction} direction - The direction to jump. Use -1 to jump to the previous component, and 1 to jump to the next component.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- jumpToComponent: (direction: Direction) => void;
- /**
- * Jumps to the next or previous story in the story index.
- *
- * @param {Direction} direction - The direction to jump. Use -1 to jump to the previous story, and 1 to jump to the next story.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- jumpToStory: (direction: Direction) => void;
- /**
- * Returns the data for the given story ID and optional ref ID.
- *
- * @param {StoryId} storyId - The ID of the story to retrieve data for.
- * @param {string} [refId] - The ID of the ref to retrieve data for. If not provided, retrieves data for the default ref.
- * @returns {API_LeafEntry} The data for the given story ID and optional ref ID.
- */
- getData: (storyId: StoryId, refId?: string) => API_LeafEntry;
- /**
- * Returns a boolean indicating whether the given story ID and optional ref ID have been prepared.
- *
- * @param {StoryId} storyId - The ID of the story to check.
- * @param {string} [refId] - The ID of the ref to check. If not provided, checks all refs for the given story ID.
- * @returns {boolean} A boolean indicating whether the given story ID and optional ref ID have been prepared.
- */
- isPrepared: (storyId: StoryId, refId?: string) => boolean;
- /**
- * Returns the parameters for the given story ID and optional ref ID.
- *
- * @param {StoryId | { storyId: StoryId; refId: string }} storyId - The ID of the story to retrieve parameters for, or an object containing the story ID and ref ID.
- * @param {ParameterName} [parameterName] - The name of the parameter to retrieve. If not provided, returns all parameters.
- * @returns {API_StoryEntry['parameters'] | any} The parameters for the given story ID and optional ref ID.
- */
- getParameters: (storyId: StoryId | {
- storyId: StoryId;
- refId: string;
- }, parameterName?: ParameterName) => API_StoryEntry['parameters'] | any;
- /**
- * Returns the current value of the specified parameter for the currently selected story.
- *
- * @template S - The type of the parameter value.
- * @param {ParameterName} [parameterName] - The name of the parameter to retrieve. If not provided, returns all parameters.
- * @returns {S} The value of the specified parameter for the currently selected story.
- */
- getCurrentParameter<S>(parameterName?: ParameterName): S;
- /**
- * Updates the arguments for the given story with the provided new arguments.
- *
- * @param {API_StoryEntry} story - The story to update the arguments for.
- * @param {Args} newArgs - The new arguments to set for the story.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- updateStoryArgs(story: API_StoryEntry, newArgs: Args): void;
- /**
- * Resets the arguments for the given story to their initial values.
- *
- * @param {API_StoryEntry} story - The story to reset the arguments for.
- * @param {string[]} [argNames] - An optional array of argument names to reset. If not provided, all arguments will be reset.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- resetStoryArgs: (story: API_StoryEntry, argNames?: string[]) => void;
- /**
- * Finds the leaf entry for the given story ID in the given story index.
- *
- * @param {API_IndexHash} index - The story index to search for the leaf entry in.
- * @param {StoryId} storyId - The ID of the story to find the leaf entry for.
- * @returns {API_LeafEntry} The leaf entry for the given story ID, or null if no leaf entry was found.
- */
- findLeafEntry(index: API_IndexHash, storyId: StoryId): API_LeafEntry;
- /**
- * Finds the leaf story ID for the given component or group ID in the given index.
- *
- * @param {API_IndexHash} index - The story index to search for the leaf story ID in.
- * @param {StoryId} storyId - The ID of the story to find the leaf story ID for.
- * @returns {StoryId} The ID of the leaf story, or null if no leaf story was found.
- */
- findLeafStoryId(index: API_IndexHash, storyId: StoryId): StoryId;
- /**
- * Finds the ID of the sibling story in the given direction for the given story ID in the given story index.
- *
- * @param {StoryId} storyId - The ID of the story to find the sibling of.
- * @param {API_IndexHash} index - The story index to search for the sibling in.
- * @param {Direction} direction - The direction to search for the sibling in.
- * @param {boolean} toSiblingGroup - When true, skips over leafs within the same group.
- * @returns {StoryId} The ID of the sibling story, or null if no sibling was found.
- */
- findSiblingStoryId(storyId: StoryId, index: API_IndexHash, direction: Direction, toSiblingGroup: boolean): StoryId;
- /**
- * Fetches the story index from the server.
- *
- * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the index has been fetched.
- */
- fetchIndex: () => Promise<void>;
- /**
- * Updates the story with the given ID with the provided update object.
- *
- * @param {StoryId} storyId - The ID of the story to update.
- * @param {StoryUpdate} update - An object containing the updated story information.
- * @param {API_ComposedRef} [ref] - The composed ref of the story to update.
- * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the story has been updated.
- */
- updateStory: (storyId: StoryId, update: StoryUpdate, ref?: API_ComposedRef) => Promise<void>;
- /**
- * Updates the documentation for the given story ID with the given update object.
- *
- * @param {StoryId} storyId - The ID of the story to update.
- * @param {DocsUpdate} update - An object containing the updated documentation information.
- * @param {API_ComposedRef} [ref] - The composed ref of the story to update.
- * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the documentation has been updated.
- */
- updateDocs: (storyId: StoryId, update: DocsUpdate, ref?: API_ComposedRef) => Promise<void>;
- /**
- * Sets the preview as initialized.
- *
- * @param {ComposedRef} [ref] - The composed ref of the story to set as initialized.
- * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the preview has been set as initialized.
- */
- setPreviewInitialized: (ref?: API_ComposedRef) => Promise<void>;
- /**
- * Updates the status of a collection of stories.
- *
- * @param {string} addonId - The ID of the addon to update.
- * @param {StatusUpdate} update - An object containing the updated status information.
- * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the status has been updated.
- */
- experimental_updateStatus: (addonId: string, update: API_StatusUpdate | ((state: API_StatusState) => API_StatusUpdate)) => Promise<void>;
- /**
- * Updates the filtering of the index.
- *
- * @param {string} addonId - The ID of the addon to update.
- * @param {API_FilterFunction} filterFunction - A function that returns a boolean based on the story, index and status.
- * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the state has been updated.
- */
- experimental_setFilter: (addonId: string, filterFunction: API_FilterFunction) => Promise<void>;
- }
- interface SubState$6 {
- refs: API_Refs;
- }
- interface SubAPI$6 {
- /**
- * Finds a composed ref by its source.
- * @param {string} source - The source/URL of the composed ref.
- * @returns {API_ComposedRef} - The composed ref object.
- */
- findRef: (source: string) => API_ComposedRef;
- /**
- * Sets a composed ref by its ID and data.
- * @param {string} id - The ID of the composed ref.
- * @param {API_SetRefData} data - The data to set for the composed ref.
- * @param {boolean} [ready] - Whether the composed ref is ready.
- */
- setRef: (id: string, data: API_SetRefData, ready?: boolean) => void;
- /**
- * Updates a composed ref by its ID and update object.
- * @param {string} id - The ID of the composed ref.
- * @param {API_ComposedRefUpdate} ref - The update object for the composed ref.
- */
- updateRef: (id: string, ref: API_ComposedRefUpdate) => void;
- /**
- * Gets all composed refs.
- * @returns {API_Refs} - The composed refs object.
- */
- getRefs: () => API_Refs;
- /**
- * Checks if a composed ref is valid.
- * @param {API_SetRefData} ref - The composed ref to check.
- * @returns {Promise<void>} - A promise that resolves when the check is complete.
- */
- checkRef: (ref: API_SetRefData) => Promise<void>;
- /**
- * Changes the version of a composed ref by its ID and URL.
- * @param {string} id - The ID of the composed ref.
- * @param {string} url - The new URL for the composed ref.
- */
- changeRefVersion: (id: string, url: string) => void;
- /**
- * Changes the state of a composed ref by its ID and previewInitialized flag.
- * @param {string} id - The ID of the composed ref.
- * @param {boolean} previewInitialized - The new previewInitialized flag for the composed ref.
- */
- changeRefState: (id: string, previewInitialized: boolean) => void;
- }
- interface SubState$5 {
- layout: API_Layout;
- ui: API_UI;
- selectedPanel: string | undefined;
- theme: ThemeVars;
- }
- interface SubAPI$5 {
- /**
- * Toggles the fullscreen mode of the Storybook UI.
- * @param toggled - Optional boolean value to set the fullscreen mode to. If not provided, it will toggle the current state.
- */
- toggleFullscreen: (toggled?: boolean) => void;
- /**
- * Toggles the visibility of the panel in the Storybook UI.
- * @param toggled - Optional boolean value to set the panel visibility to. If not provided, it will toggle the current state.
- */
- togglePanel: (toggled?: boolean) => void;
- /**
- * Toggles the position of the panel in the Storybook UI.
- * @param position - Optional string value to set the panel position to. If not provided, it will toggle between 'bottom' and 'right'.
- */
- togglePanelPosition: (position?: API_PanelPositions) => void;
- /**
- * Toggles the visibility of the navigation bar in the Storybook UI.
- * @param toggled - Optional boolean value to set the navigation bar visibility to. If not provided, it will toggle the current state.
- */
- toggleNav: (toggled?: boolean) => void;
- /**
- * Toggles the visibility of the toolbar in the Storybook UI.
- * @param toggled - Optional boolean value to set the toolbar visibility to. If not provided, it will toggle the current state.
- */
- toggleToolbar: (toggled?: boolean) => void;
- /**
- * Sets the options for the Storybook UI.
- * @param options - An object containing the options to set.
- */
- setOptions: (options: any) => void;
- }
- declare const isMacLike: () => boolean;
- declare const controlOrMetaSymbol: () => "⌘" | "ctrl";
- declare const controlOrMetaKey: () => "meta" | "control";
- declare const optionOrAltSymbol: () => "⌥" | "alt";
- declare const isShortcutTaken: (arr1: string[], arr2: string[]) => boolean;
- type KeyboardEventLike = Pick<KeyboardEvent, 'altKey' | 'ctrlKey' | 'metaKey' | 'shiftKey' | 'key' | 'code' | 'keyCode' | 'preventDefault'>;
- declare const eventToShortcut: (e: KeyboardEventLike) => (string | string[])[] | null;
- declare const shortcutMatchesShortcut: (inputShortcut: (string | string[])[], shortcut: API_KeyCollection) => boolean;
- declare const eventMatchesShortcut: (e: KeyboardEventLike, shortcut: API_KeyCollection) => boolean;
- declare const keyToSymbol: (key: string) => string;
- declare const shortcutToHumanString: (shortcut: API_KeyCollection) => string;
- interface SubState$4 {
- shortcuts: API_Shortcuts;
- }
- interface SubAPI$4 {
- /**
- * Returns the current shortcuts.
- */
- getShortcutKeys(): API_Shortcuts;
- /**
- * Returns the default shortcuts.
- */
- getDefaultShortcuts(): API_Shortcuts | API_AddonShortcutDefaults;
- /**
- * Returns the shortcuts for addons.
- */
- getAddonsShortcuts(): API_AddonShortcuts;
- /**
- * Returns the labels for addon shortcuts.
- */
- getAddonsShortcutLabels(): API_AddonShortcutLabels;
- /**
- * Returns the default shortcuts for addons.
- */
- getAddonsShortcutDefaults(): API_AddonShortcutDefaults;
- /**
- * Sets the shortcuts to the given value.
- * @param shortcuts The new shortcuts to set.
- * @returns A promise that resolves to the new shortcuts.
- */
- setShortcuts(shortcuts: API_Shortcuts): Promise<API_Shortcuts>;
- /**
- * Sets the shortcut for the given action to the given value.
- * @param action The action to set the shortcut for.
- * @param value The new shortcut to set.
- * @returns A promise that resolves to the new shortcut.
- */
- setShortcut(action: API_Action, value: API_KeyCollection): Promise<API_KeyCollection>;
- /**
- * Sets the shortcut for the given addon to the given value.
- * @param addon The addon to set the shortcut for.
- * @param shortcut The new shortcut to set.
- * @returns A promise that resolves to the new addon shortcut.
- */
- setAddonShortcut(addon: string, shortcut: API_AddonShortcut): Promise<API_AddonShortcut>;
- /**
- * Restores all default shortcuts.
- * @returns A promise that resolves to the new shortcuts.
- */
- restoreAllDefaultShortcuts(): Promise<API_Shortcuts>;
- /**
- * Restores the default shortcut for the given action.
- * @param action The action to restore the default shortcut for.
- * @returns A promise that resolves to the new shortcut.
- */
- restoreDefaultShortcut(action: API_Action): Promise<API_KeyCollection>;
- /**
- * Handles a keydown event.
- * @param event The event to handle.
- */
- handleKeydownEvent(event: KeyboardEventLike): void;
- /**
- * Handles a shortcut feature.
- * @param feature The feature to handle.
- * @param event The event to handle.
- */
- handleShortcutFeature(feature: API_Action, event: KeyboardEventLike): void;
- }
- type API_KeyCollection = string[];
- interface API_Shortcuts {
- fullScreen: API_KeyCollection;
- togglePanel: API_KeyCollection;
- panelPosition: API_KeyCollection;
- toggleNav: API_KeyCollection;
- toolbar: API_KeyCollection;
- search: API_KeyCollection;
- focusNav: API_KeyCollection;
- focusIframe: API_KeyCollection;
- focusPanel: API_KeyCollection;
- prevComponent: API_KeyCollection;
- nextComponent: API_KeyCollection;
- prevStory: API_KeyCollection;
- nextStory: API_KeyCollection;
- shortcutsPage: API_KeyCollection;
- aboutPage: API_KeyCollection;
- escape: API_KeyCollection;
- collapseAll: API_KeyCollection;
- expandAll: API_KeyCollection;
- remount: API_KeyCollection;
- }
- type API_Action = keyof API_Shortcuts;
- interface API_AddonShortcut {
- label: string;
- defaultShortcut: API_KeyCollection;
- actionName: string;
- showInMenu?: boolean;
- action: (...args: any[]) => any;
- }
- type API_AddonShortcuts = Record<string, API_AddonShortcut>;
- type API_AddonShortcutLabels = Record<string, string>;
- type API_AddonShortcutDefaults = Record<string, API_KeyCollection>;
- interface SubState$3 {
- customQueryParams: QueryParams;
- }
- interface QueryParams {
- [key: string]: string | null;
- }
- /**
- * SubAPI for managing URL navigation and state.
- */
- interface SubAPI$3 {
- /**
- * Navigate to a new URL.
- * @param {string} url - The URL to navigate to.
- * @param {NavigateOptions} options - Options for the navigation.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- navigateUrl: (url: string, options: NavigateOptions) => void;
- /**
- * Get the value of a query parameter from the current URL.
- * @param {string} key - The key of the query parameter to get.
- * @returns {string | undefined} The value of the query parameter, or undefined if it does not exist.
- */
- getQueryParam: (key: string) => string | undefined;
- /**
- * Returns an object containing the current state of the URL.
- * @returns {{
- * queryParams: QueryParams,
- * path: string,
- * viewMode?: string,
- * storyId?: string,
- * url: string
- * }} An object containing the current state of the URL.
- */
- getUrlState: () => {
- queryParams: QueryParams;
- path: string;
- viewMode?: string;
- storyId?: string;
- url: string;
- };
- /**
- * Set the query parameters for the current URL.
- * @param {QueryParams} input - An object containing the query parameters to set.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- setQueryParams: (input: QueryParams) => void;
- }
- interface SubState$2 {
- versions: API_Versions & API_UnknownEntries;
- lastVersionCheck: number;
- dismissedVersionNotification: undefined | string;
- }
- interface SubAPI$2 {
- /**
- * Returns the current version of the Storybook Manager.
- *
- * @returns {API_Version} The current version of the Storybook Manager.
- */
- getCurrentVersion: () => API_Version;
- /**
- * Returns the latest version of the Storybook Manager.
- *
- * @returns {API_Version} The latest version of the Storybook Manager.
- */
- getLatestVersion: () => API_Version;
- /**
- * Checks if an update is available for the Storybook Manager.
- *
- * @returns {boolean} True if an update is available, false otherwise.
- */
- versionUpdateAvailable: () => boolean;
- }
- type SubState$1 = {
- whatsNewData?: WhatsNewData;
- };
- type SubAPI$1 = {
- isWhatsNewUnread(): boolean;
- whatsNewHasBeenRead(): void;
- toggleWhatsNewNotifications(): void;
- };
- interface SubState {
- globals?: Globals;
- globalTypes?: GlobalTypes;
- }
- interface SubAPI {
- /**
- * Returns the current global data object.
- * @returns {Globals} The current global data object.
- */
- getGlobals: () => Globals;
- /**
- * Returns the current global types object.
- * @returns {GlobalTypes} The current global types object.
- */
- getGlobalTypes: () => GlobalTypes;
- /**
- * Updates the current global data object with the provided new global data object.
- * @param {Globals} newGlobals - The new global data object to update with.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- updateGlobals: (newGlobals: Globals) => void;
- }
- declare function mockChannel(): Channel;
- interface DeprecatedAddonWithId {
- /**
- * @deprecated will be removed in 8.0, when registering addons, please use the addon id as the first argument
- */
- id?: string;
- }
- declare class AddonStore {
- constructor();
- private loaders;
- private elements;
- private config;
- private channel;
- /**
- * @deprecated will be removed in 8.0
- */
- private serverChannel;
- private promise;
- private resolve;
- getChannel: () => Channel;
- /**
- * @deprecated will be removed in 8.0, use getChannel instead
- */
- getServerChannel: () => Channel;
- ready: () => Promise<Channel>;
- hasChannel: () => boolean;
- /**
- * @deprecated will be removed in 8.0, please use the normal channel instead
- */
- hasServerChannel: () => boolean;
- setChannel: (channel: Channel) => void;
- /**
- * @deprecated will be removed in 8.0, please use the normal channel instead
- */
- setServerChannel: (channel: Channel) => void;
- getElements<T extends Addon_Types | Addon_TypesEnum.experimental_PAGE | Addon_TypesEnum.experimental_SIDEBAR_BOTTOM | Addon_TypesEnum.experimental_SIDEBAR_TOP>(type: T): Addon_Collection<Addon_TypesMapping[T]>;
- /**
- * Adds a panel to the addon store.
- * @param {string} id - The id of the panel.
- * @param {Addon_Type} options - The options for the panel.
- * @returns {void}
- *
- * @deprecated Use the 'add' method instead.
- * @example
- * addons.add('My Panel', {
- * title: 'My Title',
- * type: types.PANEL,
- * render: () => <div>My Content</div>,
- * });
- */
- addPanel: (id: string, options: Omit<Addon_BaseType, 'type' | 'id'> & DeprecatedAddonWithId) => void;
- /**
- * Adds an addon to the addon store.
- * @param {string} id - The id of the addon.
- * @param {Addon_Type} addon - The addon to add.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- add(id: string, addon: Addon_BaseType | (Omit<Addon_SidebarTopType, 'id'> & DeprecatedAddonWithId) | (Omit<Addon_SidebarBottomType, 'id'> & DeprecatedAddonWithId) | (Omit<Addon_PageType, 'id'> & DeprecatedAddonWithId) | (Omit<Addon_WrapperType, 'id'> & DeprecatedAddonWithId)): void;
- setConfig: (value: Addon_Config) => void;
- getConfig: () => Addon_Config;
- /**
- * Registers an addon loader function.
- *
- * @param {string} id - The id of the addon loader.
- * @param {(api: API) => void} callback - The function that will be called to register the addon.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- register: (id: string, callback: (api: API) => void) => void;
- loadAddons: (api: any) => void;
- }
- declare const addons: AddonStore;
- declare const _default: <TObj = any>(a: TObj, b: Partial<TObj>) => TObj & Partial<TObj>;
- declare const ActiveTabs: {
- SIDEBAR: "sidebar";
- CANVAS: "canvas";
- ADDONS: "addons";
- };
- declare const ManagerContext: React.Context<{
- api: API;
- state: State;
- }>;
- type State = SubState$5 & SubState$7 & SubState$6 & SubState$9 & SubState$2 & SubState$3 & SubState$4 & SubState$8 & SubState & SubState$1 & RouterData & API_OptionsData & DeprecatedState & Other;
- type API = SubAPI$b & SubAPI$a & SubAPI$c & SubAPI$7 & SubAPI$6 & SubAPI & SubAPI$5 & SubAPI$9 & SubAPI$4 & SubAPI$8 & SubAPI$2 & SubAPI$3 & SubAPI$1 & Other;
- interface DeprecatedState {
- /**
- * @deprecated use index
- */
- storiesHash: API_IndexHash;
- /**
- * @deprecated use previewInitialized
- */
- storiesConfigured: boolean;
- /**
- * @deprecated use indexError
- */
- storiesFailed?: Error;
- }
- interface Other {
- [key: string]: any;
- }
- interface Combo {
- api: API;
- state: State;
- }
- type ManagerProviderProps = RouterData & API_ProviderData<API> & {
- children: ReactNode | ((props: Combo) => ReactNode);
- };
- declare const combineParameters: (...parameterSets: Parameters[]) => any;
- declare class ManagerProvider extends Component<ManagerProviderProps, State> {
- api: API;
- modules: ReturnType<ModuleFn>[];
- static displayName: string;
- constructor(props: ManagerProviderProps);
- static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: ManagerProviderProps, state: State): State;
- shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: ManagerProviderProps, nextState: State): boolean;
- initModules: () => void;
- render(): React.JSX.Element;
- }
- interface ManagerConsumerProps<P = unknown> {
- filter?: (combo: Combo) => P;
- children: FC<P> | ReactNode;
- }
- declare function ManagerConsumer<P = Combo>({ filter, children, }: ManagerConsumerProps<P>): ReactElement;
- declare function useStorybookState(): State;
- declare function useStorybookApi(): API;
- interface API_EventMap {
- [eventId: string]: Listener;
- }
- declare const useChannel: (eventMap: API_EventMap, deps?: any[]) => (type: string, ...args: any[]) => void;
- declare function useStoryPrepared(storyId?: StoryId): boolean;
- declare function useParameter<S>(parameterKey: string, defaultValue?: S): S;
- declare function useSharedState<S>(stateId: string, defaultState?: S): [S, (newStateOrMerger: S | API_StateMerger<S>, options?: Options) => void];
- declare function useAddonState<S>(addonId: string, defaultState?: S): [S, (newStateOrMerger: S | API_StateMerger<S>, options?: Options) => void];
- declare function useArgs(): [Args, (newArgs: Args) => void, (argNames?: string[]) => void];
- declare function useGlobals(): [Args, (newGlobals: Args) => void];
- declare function useGlobalTypes(): ArgTypes;
- declare function useArgTypes(): ArgTypes;
- /**
- * We need to rename this so it's not compiled to a straight re-export
- * Our globalization plugin can't handle an import and export of the same name in different lines
- * @deprecated
- */
- declare const typesX: typeof Addon_TypesEnum;
- export { API, API_EventMap, ActiveTabs, AddonStore, Combo, ManagerConsumer as Consumer, KeyboardEventLike, ManagerContext, ManagerProviderProps, ManagerProvider as Provider, State, Options as StoreOptions, addons, combineParameters, controlOrMetaKey, controlOrMetaSymbol, eventMatchesShortcut, eventToShortcut, isMacLike, isShortcutTaken, keyToSymbol, _default as merge, mockChannel, optionOrAltSymbol, shortcutMatchesShortcut, shortcutToHumanString, typesX as types, useAddonState, useArgTypes, useArgs, useChannel, useGlobalTypes, useGlobals, useParameter, useSharedState, useStoryPrepared, useStorybookApi, useStorybookState };