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Zero dependency Hijri calendar based on Um AlQura

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Getting Started

Run the following npm or yran command:

npm i @umalqura/core
yarn add @umalqura/core

You can also use the library directly in the browser by adding the following to your html:

<script src=""></script>



import uq from '@umalqura/core';

// Initializes a new umalqura instance using current date and time.
const now = uq();
// Do more stuff
// ...


A global var named umalqura will be available.

// Initializes a new umalqura instance using current date and time.
var now = umalqura();
// Do more stuff
// ...


// Initializes using current date and time.
// Initializes using provided date and time.
umalqura(date: Date);
// Initializes using provided Hijri year, month, day and the optionally provided time.
umalqura(hy: number, hm: number, hd: number, hour?: number, minute?: number, second?: number, millisecond?: number);

The umalqura(...) function returns an initialized umalqura.UmAlQura object which exposes the following properties and methods:

Name Description
date Returns the Date object.
hy Returns the Hijri year.
hm Returns the Hijri month.
hd Returns the Hijri day of month.
dayOfYear Returns the Hijri day of year.
dayOfWeek Returns the day of week.
weekOfYear Returns the Hijri week of year.
daysInYear Returns the number of days in current Hijri year.
daysInMonth Returns the number of days in current Hijri month and year.
isLeapYear Returns true if leap year, false otherwise.
monthArray Returns the dates of month arranged in a 2D array.


import uq from '@umalqura/core';

const d = uq(new Date(2019, 6, 3));  // July 3rd 2019
console.log(d.hy,, d.hd);       // Outputs 1440, 10, 30

// -or

const d = uq(1440, 10, 30);
console.log(;                 // Outputs Wed Jul 03 2019 00:00:00 TZ...

Note that all methods are immutably.

Name Arguments Description
add v:number
Returns a new UmAlQura object adding the specified number of Hijri units to the current instance.
subtract v:number
Returns a new UmAlQura object subtracting the specified number of Hijri units to the current instance.
startOf u:unit Returns a new UmAlQura object starting at the specified Hijri unit of time.
endOf u:unit Returns a new UmAlQura object ending at the specified Hijri unit of time.
isBefore cmp:UmAlQura\|Date
Returns whether current instance is before cmp. Check can be pinned down to unitMs which defaults to milliseconds.
isAfter cmp:UmAlQura\|Date
Returns whether current instance is after cmp. Check can be pinned down to unitMs which defaults to milliseconds.
isSame cmp:UmAlQura\|Date
Returns whether current instance is same as cmp. Check can be pinned down to unitMs which defaults to milliseconds.
isSameOrBefore cmp:UmAlQura\|Date
Returns whether current instance is same as or before cmp. Check can be pinned down to unitMs which defaults to milliseconds.
isSameOrAfter cmp:UmAlQura\|Date
Returns whether current instance is same as or after cmp. Check can be pinned down to unitMs which defaults to milliseconds.
isBetween from:UmAlQura\|Date
Returns whether current instance is between from and to. Check can be pinned down to unitMs which defaults to milliseconds. By, default the match is exclusive of both ends. This can be controlled via fromIncl and toIncl.
format mask:string
Returns a formatted string of the Hijri date and time using the specified mask and optionally a locale.

unitMs can be any of the following strings: year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond.

unit can be any of the following string: year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second.


import uq from '@umalqura/core';

const d = uq(new Date(2019, 6, 3));
// Add 5 Hijri months
const after5HijriMonths = d.add(5, 'month');

// ٣٠/١٠/١٤٤٠
d.format('dd/MM/yyyy', 'ar');
// 30/03/1441
// True
// Shawwāl 1, 1440

const endOf1440H = d.endOf('year');
// الجمعة، ٢٩ ذو الحجة، ١٤٤٠
endOf1440H.format('fullDate', 'ar');
// Fri Aug 30 2019 23:59:59 TZ...;

The following properties and functions exist directly on the export umalqura object:

Name Description
VERSION Returns the library version.
$ Gives access to static methods.
min Returns the minimum supported Hijri date.
max Returns the maximum supported Hijri date.
locale(locale?: string) Gets or sets the local to be used globally.
rtl() Returns whether current locale supports RTL.
times() Returns the times names array according to currently set global locale.
days() Returns the days names array according to currently set global locale.
daysShort() Returns the short days names array according to currently set global locale.
months() Returns the Hijri months names array according to currently set global locale.
monthsShort() Returns the short Hijri month names array according to currently set global locale.
localizeNum(n: number) Returns a localized string representing the specified number according to currently set global locale.


import uq from '@umalqura/core';

// Set global locale to Arabic so that we no longer need to specify a locale when calling format() function.
// Returns true
// Returns ['محرم', 'صفر', 'ربيع الأول', 'ربيع الثاني', 'جمادى الأولى', 'جمادى الآخرة', 'رجب', 'شعبان', 'رمضان', 'شوال', 'ذو القعدة', 'ذو الحجة']
Pre-defined Formatting Masks
Name Format
default ddd dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss for ar
ddd MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss for en
shortDate yy/M/d for ar
M/d/yy for en
mediumDate d MMM, yyyy for ar
MMM d, yyyy for en
longDate d MMMM, yyyy for ar
MMMM d, yyyy for en
fullDate dddd, d MMMM, yyyy for ar
dddd, MMMM d, yyyy for en
shortTime h:mm TT
mediumTime h:mm:ss TT
longTime h:mm:ss.l TT


An HTML-based sample is available in ./sample/browser.html locally or online @