Node.js implementation of port detector
$ npm i detect-port --save
const detect = require('detect-port');
* use as a promise
.then(_port => {
if (port == _port) {
console.log(`port: ${port} was not occupied`);
} else {
console.log(`port: ${port} was occupied, try port: ${_port}`);
.catch(err => {
$ npm i detect-port -g
# get an available port randomly
$ detect
# detect pointed port
$ detect 80
# output verbose log
$ detect --verbose
# more help
$ detect --help
Most likely network error, check that your /etc/hosts
and make sure the content below: localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
xudafeng |
fengmk2 |
ziczhu |
gaearon |
chnliquan |
popomore |
snapre |
yavuzakyuz |
antife-yinyue |
This project follows the git-contributor spec, auto updated at Wed Sep 21 2022 23:10:27 GMT+0800