7 달 전 | |
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Unicode symbols with Windows CMD fallbacks
Windows CMD only supports a limited character set.
$ npm install figures
See the source for supported symbols.
const figures = require('figures');
console.log(figures('✔︎ check'));
// On non-Windows OSes: ✔︎ check
// On Windows: √ check
// On non-Windows OSes: ✔︎
// On Windows: √
// On all OSes: ✔︎
// On all OSes: √
Returns the input with replaced fallback Unicode symbols on Windows.
All the below figures are attached to the main export as shown in the example above.
Type: string
String where the Unicode symbols will be replaced with fallback symbols depending on the OS.
Symbols to use when not running on Windows.
Symbols to use when running on Windows.
Name | Non-Windows | Windows |
tick | ✔ | √ |
cross | ✖ | × |
star | ★ | * |
square | ▇ | █ |
squareSmall | ◻ | [ ] |
squareSmallFilled | ◼ | [█] |
play | ▶ | ► |
circle | ◯ | ( ) |
circleFilled | ◉ | (*) |
circleDotted | ◌ | ( ) |
circleDouble | ◎ | ( ) |
circleCircle | ⓞ | (○) |
circleCross | ⓧ | (×) |
circlePipe | Ⓘ | (│) |
circleQuestionMark | ?⃝ | (?) |
bullet | ● | * |
dot | ․ | . |
line | ─ | ─ |
ellipsis | … | ... |
pointer | ❯ | > |
pointerSmall | › | » |
info | ℹ | i |
warning | ⚠ | ‼ |
hamburger | ☰ | ≡ |
smiley | ㋡ | ☺ |
mustache | ෴ | ┌─┐ |
heart | ♥ | ♥ |
nodejs | ⬢ | ♦ |
arrowUp | ↑ | ↑ |
arrowDown | ↓ | ↓ |
arrowLeft | ← | ← |
arrowRight | → | → |
radioOn | ◉ | (*) |
radioOff | ◯ | ( ) |
checkboxOn | ☒ | [×] |
checkboxOff | ☐ | [ ] |
checkboxCircleOn | ⓧ | (×) |
checkboxCircleOff | Ⓘ | ( ) |
questionMarkPrefix | ?⃝ | ? |
oneHalf | ½ | 1/2 |
oneThird | ⅓ | 1/3 |
oneQuarter | ¼ | 1/4 |
oneFifth | ⅕ | 1/5 |
oneSixth | ⅙ | 1/6 |
oneSeventh | ⅐ | 1/7 |
oneEighth | ⅛ | 1/8 |
oneNinth | ⅑ | 1/9 |
oneTenth | ⅒ | 1/10 |
twoThirds | ⅔ | 2/3 |
twoFifths | ⅖ | 2/5 |
threeQuarters | ¾ | 3/4 |
threeFifths | ⅗ | 3/5 |
threeEighths | ⅜ | 3/8 |
fourFifths | ⅘ | 4/5 |
fiveSixths | ⅚ | 5/6 |
fiveEighths | ⅝ | 5/8 |
sevenEighths | ⅞ | 7/8 |