123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657 |
- 'use strict';
- var wrapIdbValue = require('./wrap-idb-value.cjs');
- const advanceMethodProps = ['continue', 'continuePrimaryKey', 'advance'];
- const methodMap = {};
- const advanceResults = new WeakMap();
- const ittrProxiedCursorToOriginalProxy = new WeakMap();
- const cursorIteratorTraps = {
- get(target, prop) {
- if (!advanceMethodProps.includes(prop))
- return target[prop];
- let cachedFunc = methodMap[prop];
- if (!cachedFunc) {
- cachedFunc = methodMap[prop] = function (...args) {
- advanceResults.set(this, ittrProxiedCursorToOriginalProxy.get(this)[prop](...args));
- };
- }
- return cachedFunc;
- },
- };
- async function* iterate(...args) {
- // tslint:disable-next-line:no-this-assignment
- let cursor = this;
- if (!(cursor instanceof IDBCursor)) {
- cursor = await cursor.openCursor(...args);
- }
- if (!cursor)
- return;
- cursor = cursor;
- const proxiedCursor = new Proxy(cursor, cursorIteratorTraps);
- ittrProxiedCursorToOriginalProxy.set(proxiedCursor, cursor);
- // Map this double-proxy back to the original, so other cursor methods work.
- wrapIdbValue.reverseTransformCache.set(proxiedCursor, wrapIdbValue.unwrap(cursor));
- while (cursor) {
- yield proxiedCursor;
- // If one of the advancing methods was not called, call continue().
- cursor = await (advanceResults.get(proxiedCursor) || cursor.continue());
- advanceResults.delete(proxiedCursor);
- }
- }
- function isIteratorProp(target, prop) {
- return ((prop === Symbol.asyncIterator &&
- wrapIdbValue.instanceOfAny(target, [IDBIndex, IDBObjectStore, IDBCursor])) ||
- (prop === 'iterate' && wrapIdbValue.instanceOfAny(target, [IDBIndex, IDBObjectStore])));
- }
- wrapIdbValue.replaceTraps((oldTraps) => ({
- ...oldTraps,
- get(target, prop, receiver) {
- if (isIteratorProp(target, prop))
- return iterate;
- return oldTraps.get(target, prop, receiver);
- },
- has(target, prop) {
- return isIteratorProp(target, prop) || oldTraps.has(target, prop);
- },
- }));