123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869 |
- import createExtensionPattern from './extension/createExtensionPattern.js'; // Regular expression of viable phone numbers. This is location independent.
- // Checks we have at least three leading digits, and only valid punctuation,
- // alpha characters and digits in the phone number. Does not include extension
- // data. The symbol 'x' is allowed here as valid punctuation since it is often
- // used as a placeholder for carrier codes, for example in Brazilian phone
- // numbers. We also allow multiple '+' characters at the start.
- //
- // Corresponds to the following:
- // [digits]{minLengthNsn}|
- // plus_sign*
- // (([punctuation]|[star])*[digits]){3,}([punctuation]|[star]|[digits]|[alpha])*
- //
- // The first reg-ex is to allow short numbers (two digits long) to be parsed if
- // they are entered as "15" etc, but only if there is no punctuation in them.
- // The second expression restricts the number of digits to three or more, but
- // then allows them to be in international form, and to have alpha-characters
- // and punctuation. We split up the two reg-exes here and combine them when
- // creating the reg-ex VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN itself so we can prefix it
- // with ^ and append $ to each branch.
- //
- // "Note VALID_PUNCTUATION starts with a -,
- // so must be the first in the range" (c) Google devs.
- // (wtf did they mean by saying that; probably nothing)
- //
- // And this is the second reg-exp:
- // (see MIN_LENGTH_PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN for a full description of this reg-exp)
- //
- export var VALID_PHONE_NUMBER = '[' + PLUS_CHARS + ']{0,1}' + '(?:' + '[' + VALID_PUNCTUATION + ']*' + '[' + VALID_DIGITS + ']' + '){3,}' + '[' + VALID_PUNCTUATION + VALID_DIGITS + ']*'; // This regular expression isn't present in Google's `libphonenumber`
- // and is only used to determine whether the phone number being input
- // is too short for it to even consider it a "valid" number.
- // This is just a way to differentiate between a really invalid phone
- // number like "abcde" and a valid phone number that a user has just
- // started inputting, like "+1" or "1": both these cases would be
- // considered `NOT_A_NUMBER` by Google's `libphonenumber`, but this
- // library can provide a more detailed error message — whether it's
- // really "not a number", or is it just a start of a valid phone number.
- var VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_START_REG_EXP = new RegExp('^' + '[' + PLUS_CHARS + ']{0,1}' + '(?:' + '[' + VALID_PUNCTUATION + ']*' + '[' + VALID_DIGITS + ']' + '){1,2}' + '$', 'i');
- export var VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_WITH_EXTENSION = VALID_PHONE_NUMBER + // Phone number extensions
- '(?:' + createExtensionPattern() + ')?'; // The combined regular expression for valid phone numbers:
- //
- var VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN = new RegExp( // Either a short two-digit-only phone number
- '^' + MIN_LENGTH_PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN + '$' + '|' + // Or a longer fully parsed phone number (min 3 characters)
- '^' + VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_WITH_EXTENSION + '$', 'i'); // Checks to see if the string of characters could possibly be a phone number at
- // all. At the moment, checks to see that the string begins with at least 2
- // digits, ignoring any punctuation commonly found in phone numbers. This method
- // does not require the number to be normalized in advance - but does assume
- // that leading non-number symbols have been removed, such as by the method
- // `extract_possible_number`.
- //
- export default function isViablePhoneNumber(number) {
- return number.length >= MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN && VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN.test(number);
- } // This is just a way to differentiate between a really invalid phone
- // number like "abcde" and a valid phone number that a user has just
- // started inputting, like "+1" or "1": both these cases would be
- // considered `NOT_A_NUMBER` by Google's `libphonenumber`, but this
- // library can provide a more detailed error message — whether it's
- // really "not a number", or is it just a start of a valid phone number.
- export function isViablePhoneNumberStart(number) {
- return VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_START_REG_EXP.test(number);
- }
- //# sourceMappingURL=isViablePhoneNumber.js.map