123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256 |
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
- value: true
- });
- exports.defaultTimeout = exports.defaultReporter = exports.defaultGrep = exports.builtInReporters = exports.FullProjectInternal = exports.FullConfigInternal = void 0;
- exports.getProjectId = getProjectId;
- exports.takeFirst = takeFirst;
- exports.toReporters = toReporters;
- var _fs = _interopRequireDefault(require("fs"));
- var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path"));
- var _os = _interopRequireDefault(require("os"));
- var _util = require("../util");
- var _transform = require("../transform/transform");
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
- /**
- * Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- const defaultTimeout = exports.defaultTimeout = 30000;
- class FullConfigInternal {
- // TODO: when merging reports, there could be no internal config. This is very unfortunate.
- static from(config) {
- return config[configInternalSymbol];
- }
- constructor(configDir, configFile, config, configCLIOverrides) {
- var _build, _config$build;
- this.config = void 0;
- this.globalOutputDir = void 0;
- this.configDir = void 0;
- this.configCLIOverrides = void 0;
- this.storeDir = void 0;
- this.ignoreSnapshots = void 0;
- this.webServers = void 0;
- this.plugins = void 0;
- this.projects = [];
- this.cliArgs = [];
- this.cliGrep = void 0;
- this.cliGrepInvert = void 0;
- this.cliProjectFilter = void 0;
- this.cliListOnly = false;
- this.cliPassWithNoTests = void 0;
- this.testIdMatcher = void 0;
- this.defineConfigWasUsed = false;
- if (configCLIOverrides.projects && config.projects) throw new Error(`Cannot use --browser option when configuration file defines projects. Specify browserName in the projects instead.`);
- const packageJsonPath = (0, _util.getPackageJsonPath)(configDir);
- const packageJsonDir = packageJsonPath ? _path.default.dirname(packageJsonPath) : undefined;
- const throwawayArtifactsPath = packageJsonDir || process.cwd();
- this.configDir = configDir;
- this.configCLIOverrides = configCLIOverrides;
- this.storeDir = _path.default.resolve(configDir, config._storeDir || 'playwright');
- this.globalOutputDir = takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.outputDir, pathResolve(configDir, config.outputDir), throwawayArtifactsPath, _path.default.resolve(process.cwd()));
- this.ignoreSnapshots = takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.ignoreSnapshots, config.ignoreSnapshots, false);
- this.plugins = (config._plugins || []).map(p => ({
- factory: p
- }));
- this.config = {
- configFile,
- rootDir: pathResolve(configDir, config.testDir) || configDir,
- forbidOnly: takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.forbidOnly, config.forbidOnly, false),
- fullyParallel: takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.fullyParallel, config.fullyParallel, false),
- globalSetup: takeFirst(resolveScript(config.globalSetup, configDir), null),
- globalTeardown: takeFirst(resolveScript(config.globalTeardown, configDir), null),
- globalTimeout: takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.globalTimeout, config.globalTimeout, 0),
- grep: takeFirst(config.grep, defaultGrep),
- grepInvert: takeFirst(config.grepInvert, null),
- maxFailures: takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.maxFailures, config.maxFailures, 0),
- metadata: takeFirst(config.metadata, {}),
- preserveOutput: takeFirst(config.preserveOutput, 'always'),
- reporter: takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.reporter, resolveReporters(config.reporter, configDir), [[defaultReporter]]),
- reportSlowTests: takeFirst(config.reportSlowTests, {
- max: 5,
- threshold: 15000
- }),
- quiet: takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.quiet, config.quiet, false),
- projects: [],
- shard: takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.shard, config.shard, null),
- updateSnapshots: takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.updateSnapshots, config.updateSnapshots, 'missing'),
- version: require('../../package.json').version,
- workers: 0,
- webServer: null
- };
- this.config[configInternalSymbol] = this;
- const workers = takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.workers, config.workers, '50%');
- if (typeof workers === 'string') {
- if (workers.endsWith('%')) {
- const cpus = _os.default.cpus().length;
- this.config.workers = Math.max(1, Math.floor(cpus * (parseInt(workers, 10) / 100)));
- } else {
- this.config.workers = parseInt(workers, 10);
- }
- } else {
- this.config.workers = workers;
- }
- const webServers = takeFirst(config.webServer, null);
- if (Array.isArray(webServers)) {
- // multiple web server mode
- // Due to previous choices, this value shows up to the user in globalSetup as part of FullConfig. Arrays are not supported by the old type.
- this.config.webServer = null;
- this.webServers = webServers;
- } else if (webServers) {
- // legacy singleton mode
- this.config.webServer = webServers;
- this.webServers = [webServers];
- } else {
- this.webServers = [];
- }
- const projectConfigs = configCLIOverrides.projects || config.projects || [config];
- this.projects = projectConfigs.map(p => new FullProjectInternal(configDir, config, this, p, this.configCLIOverrides, throwawayArtifactsPath));
- resolveProjectDependencies(this.projects);
- this._assignUniqueProjectIds(this.projects);
- (0, _transform.setTransformConfig)({
- babelPlugins: ((_build = config.build) === null || _build === void 0 ? void 0 : _build.babelPlugins) || [],
- external: ((_config$build = config.build) === null || _config$build === void 0 ? void 0 : _config$build.external) || []
- });
- this.config.projects = this.projects.map(p => p.project);
- }
- _assignUniqueProjectIds(projects) {
- const usedNames = new Set();
- for (const p of projects) {
- const name = p.project.name || '';
- for (let i = 0; i < projects.length; ++i) {
- const candidate = name + (i ? i : '');
- if (usedNames.has(candidate)) continue;
- p.id = candidate;
- p.project.__projectId = p.id;
- usedNames.add(candidate);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- exports.FullConfigInternal = FullConfigInternal;
- class FullProjectInternal {
- constructor(configDir, config, fullConfig, projectConfig, configCLIOverrides, throwawayArtifactsPath) {
- var _this$expect$toHaveSc;
- this.project = void 0;
- this.fullConfig = void 0;
- this.fullyParallel = void 0;
- this.expect = void 0;
- this.respectGitIgnore = void 0;
- this.snapshotPathTemplate = void 0;
- this.id = '';
- this.deps = [];
- this.teardown = void 0;
- this.fullConfig = fullConfig;
- const testDir = takeFirst(pathResolve(configDir, projectConfig.testDir), pathResolve(configDir, config.testDir), fullConfig.configDir);
- const defaultSnapshotPathTemplate = '{snapshotDir}/{testFileDir}/{testFileName}-snapshots/{arg}{-projectName}{-snapshotSuffix}{ext}';
- this.snapshotPathTemplate = takeFirst(projectConfig.snapshotPathTemplate, config.snapshotPathTemplate, defaultSnapshotPathTemplate);
- this.project = {
- grep: takeFirst(projectConfig.grep, config.grep, defaultGrep),
- grepInvert: takeFirst(projectConfig.grepInvert, config.grepInvert, null),
- outputDir: takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.outputDir, pathResolve(configDir, projectConfig.outputDir), pathResolve(configDir, config.outputDir), _path.default.join(throwawayArtifactsPath, 'test-results')),
- // Note: we either apply the cli override for repeatEach or not, depending on whether the
- // project is top-level vs dependency. See collectProjectsAndTestFiles in loadUtils.
- repeatEach: takeFirst(projectConfig.repeatEach, config.repeatEach, 1),
- retries: takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.retries, projectConfig.retries, config.retries, 0),
- metadata: takeFirst(projectConfig.metadata, config.metadata, undefined),
- name: takeFirst(projectConfig.name, config.name, ''),
- testDir,
- snapshotDir: takeFirst(pathResolve(configDir, projectConfig.snapshotDir), pathResolve(configDir, config.snapshotDir), testDir),
- testIgnore: takeFirst(projectConfig.testIgnore, config.testIgnore, []),
- testMatch: takeFirst(projectConfig.testMatch, config.testMatch, '**/*.@(spec|test).?(c|m)[jt]s?(x)'),
- timeout: takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.timeout, projectConfig.timeout, config.timeout, defaultTimeout),
- use: (0, _util.mergeObjects)(config.use, projectConfig.use, configCLIOverrides.use),
- dependencies: projectConfig.dependencies || [],
- teardown: projectConfig.teardown
- };
- this.fullyParallel = takeFirst(configCLIOverrides.fullyParallel, projectConfig.fullyParallel, config.fullyParallel, undefined);
- this.expect = takeFirst(projectConfig.expect, config.expect, {});
- if ((_this$expect$toHaveSc = this.expect.toHaveScreenshot) !== null && _this$expect$toHaveSc !== void 0 && _this$expect$toHaveSc.stylePath) {
- const stylePaths = Array.isArray(this.expect.toHaveScreenshot.stylePath) ? this.expect.toHaveScreenshot.stylePath : [this.expect.toHaveScreenshot.stylePath];
- this.expect.toHaveScreenshot.stylePath = stylePaths.map(stylePath => _path.default.resolve(configDir, stylePath));
- }
- this.respectGitIgnore = !projectConfig.testDir && !config.testDir;
- }
- }
- exports.FullProjectInternal = FullProjectInternal;
- function takeFirst(...args) {
- for (const arg of args) {
- if (arg !== undefined) return arg;
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- function pathResolve(baseDir, relative) {
- if (!relative) return undefined;
- return _path.default.resolve(baseDir, relative);
- }
- function resolveReporters(reporters, rootDir) {
- var _toReporters;
- return (_toReporters = toReporters(reporters)) === null || _toReporters === void 0 ? void 0 : _toReporters.map(([id, arg]) => {
- if (builtInReporters.includes(id)) return [id, arg];
- return [require.resolve(id, {
- paths: [rootDir]
- }), arg];
- });
- }
- function resolveProjectDependencies(projects) {
- const teardownSet = new Set();
- for (const project of projects) {
- for (const dependencyName of project.project.dependencies) {
- const dependencies = projects.filter(p => p.project.name === dependencyName);
- if (!dependencies.length) throw new Error(`Project '${project.project.name}' depends on unknown project '${dependencyName}'`);
- if (dependencies.length > 1) throw new Error(`Project dependencies should have unique names, reading ${dependencyName}`);
- project.deps.push(...dependencies);
- }
- if (project.project.teardown) {
- const teardowns = projects.filter(p => p.project.name === project.project.teardown);
- if (!teardowns.length) throw new Error(`Project '${project.project.name}' has unknown teardown project '${project.project.teardown}'`);
- if (teardowns.length > 1) throw new Error(`Project teardowns should have unique names, reading ${project.project.teardown}`);
- const teardown = teardowns[0];
- project.teardown = teardown;
- teardownSet.add(teardown);
- }
- }
- for (const teardown of teardownSet) {
- if (teardown.deps.length) throw new Error(`Teardown project ${teardown.project.name} must not have dependencies`);
- }
- for (const project of projects) {
- for (const dep of project.deps) {
- if (teardownSet.has(dep)) throw new Error(`Project ${project.project.name} must not depend on a teardown project ${dep.project.name}`);
- }
- }
- }
- function toReporters(reporters) {
- if (!reporters) return;
- if (typeof reporters === 'string') return [[reporters]];
- return reporters;
- }
- const builtInReporters = exports.builtInReporters = ['list', 'line', 'dot', 'json', 'junit', 'null', 'github', 'html', 'blob', 'markdown'];
- function resolveScript(id, rootDir) {
- if (!id) return undefined;
- const localPath = _path.default.resolve(rootDir, id);
- if (_fs.default.existsSync(localPath)) return localPath;
- return require.resolve(id, {
- paths: [rootDir]
- });
- }
- const defaultGrep = exports.defaultGrep = /.*/;
- const defaultReporter = exports.defaultReporter = process.env.CI ? 'dot' : 'list';
- const configInternalSymbol = Symbol('configInternalSymbol');
- function getProjectId(project) {
- return project.__projectId;
- }