123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679 |
- // Convert the given range of a fragment to tokens, where node open
- // tokens are encoded as strings holding the node name, characters as
- // their character code, and node close tokens as -1.
- function tokens(frag, start, end, target) {
- for (let i = 0, off = 0; i < frag.childCount; i++) {
- let child = frag.child(i), endOff = off + child.nodeSize;
- let from = Math.max(off, start), to = Math.min(endOff, end);
- if (from < to) {
- if (child.isText) {
- for (let j = from; j < to; j++)
- target.push(child.text.charCodeAt(j - off));
- }
- else if (child.isLeaf) {
- target.push(child.type.name);
- }
- else {
- if (from == off)
- target.push(child.type.name);
- tokens(child.content, Math.max(off + 1, from) - off - 1, Math.min(endOff - 1, to) - off - 1, target);
- if (to == endOff)
- target.push(-1);
- }
- }
- off = endOff;
- }
- return target;
- }
- // The code below will refuse to compute a diff with more than 5000
- // insertions or deletions, which takes about 300ms to reach on my
- // machine. This is a safeguard against runaway computations.
- const MAX_DIFF_SIZE = 5000;
- // This obscure mess of constants computes the minimum length of an
- // unchanged range (not at the start/end of the compared content). The
- // idea is to make it higher in bigger replacements, so that you don't
- // get a diff soup of coincidentally identical letters when replacing
- // a paragraph.
- function minUnchanged(sizeA, sizeB) {
- return Math.min(15, Math.max(2, Math.floor(Math.max(sizeA, sizeB) / 10)));
- }
- function computeDiff(fragA, fragB, range) {
- let tokA = tokens(fragA, range.fromA, range.toA, []);
- let tokB = tokens(fragB, range.fromB, range.toB, []);
- // Scan from both sides to cheaply eliminate work
- let start = 0, endA = tokA.length, endB = tokB.length;
- while (start < tokA.length && start < tokB.length && tokA[start] === tokB[start])
- start++;
- if (start == tokA.length && start == tokB.length)
- return [];
- while (endA > start && endB > start && tokA[endA - 1] === tokB[endB - 1])
- endA--, endB--;
- // If the result is simple _or_ too big to cheaply compute, return
- // the remaining region as the diff
- if (endA == start || endB == start || (endA == endB && endA == start + 1))
- return [range.slice(start, endA, start, endB)];
- // This is an implementation of Myers' diff algorithm
- // See https://neil.fraser.name/writing/diff/myers.pdf and
- // https://blog.jcoglan.com/2017/02/12/the-myers-diff-algorithm-part-1/
- let lenA = endA - start, lenB = endB - start;
- let max = Math.min(MAX_DIFF_SIZE, lenA + lenB), off = max + 1;
- let history = [];
- let frontier = [];
- for (let len = off * 2, i = 0; i < len; i++)
- frontier[i] = -1;
- for (let size = 0; size <= max; size++) {
- for (let diag = -size; diag <= size; diag += 2) {
- let next = frontier[diag + 1 + max], prev = frontier[diag - 1 + max];
- let x = next < prev ? prev : next + 1, y = x + diag;
- while (x < lenA && y < lenB && tokA[start + x] === tokB[start + y])
- x++, y++;
- frontier[diag + max] = x;
- // Found a match
- if (x >= lenA && y >= lenB) {
- // Trace back through the history to build up a set of changed ranges.
- let diff = [], minSpan = minUnchanged(endA - start, endB - start);
- // Used to add steps to a diff one at a time, back to front, merging
- // ones that are less than minSpan tokens apart
- let fromA = -1, toA = -1, fromB = -1, toB = -1;
- let add = (fA, tA, fB, tB) => {
- if (fromA > -1 && fromA < tA + minSpan) {
- fromA = fA;
- fromB = fB;
- }
- else {
- if (fromA > -1)
- diff.push(range.slice(fromA, toA, fromB, toB));
- fromA = fA;
- toA = tA;
- fromB = fB;
- toB = tB;
- }
- };
- for (let i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- let next = frontier[diag + 1 + max], prev = frontier[diag - 1 + max];
- if (next < prev) { // Deletion
- diag--;
- x = prev + start;
- y = x + diag;
- add(x, x, y, y + 1);
- }
- else { // Insertion
- diag++;
- x = next + start;
- y = x + diag;
- add(x, x + 1, y, y);
- }
- frontier = history[i >> 1];
- }
- if (fromA > -1)
- diff.push(range.slice(fromA, toA, fromB, toB));
- return diff.reverse();
- }
- }
- // Since only either odd or even diagonals are read from each
- // frontier, we only copy them every other iteration.
- if (size % 2 == 0)
- history.push(frontier.slice());
- }
- // The loop exited, meaning the maximum amount of work was done.
- // Just return a change spanning the entire range.
- return [range.slice(start, endA, start, endB)];
- }
- /**
- Stores metadata for a part of a change.
- */
- class Span {
- /**
- @internal
- */
- constructor(
- /**
- The length of this span.
- */
- length,
- /**
- The data associated with this span.
- */
- data) {
- this.length = length;
- this.data = data;
- }
- /**
- @internal
- */
- cut(length) {
- return length == this.length ? this : new Span(length, this.data);
- }
- /**
- @internal
- */
- static slice(spans, from, to) {
- if (from == to)
- return Span.none;
- if (from == 0 && to == Span.len(spans))
- return spans;
- let result = [];
- for (let i = 0, off = 0; off < to; i++) {
- let span = spans[i], end = off + span.length;
- let overlap = Math.min(to, end) - Math.max(from, off);
- if (overlap > 0)
- result.push(span.cut(overlap));
- off = end;
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- @internal
- */
- static join(a, b, combine) {
- if (a.length == 0)
- return b;
- if (b.length == 0)
- return a;
- let combined = combine(a[a.length - 1].data, b[0].data);
- if (combined == null)
- return a.concat(b);
- let result = a.slice(0, a.length - 1);
- result.push(new Span(a[a.length - 1].length + b[0].length, combined));
- for (let i = 1; i < b.length; i++)
- result.push(b[i]);
- return result;
- }
- /**
- @internal
- */
- static len(spans) {
- let len = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < spans.length; i++)
- len += spans[i].length;
- return len;
- }
- }
- /**
- @internal
- */
- Span.none = [];
- /**
- A replaced range with metadata associated with it.
- */
- class Change {
- /**
- @internal
- */
- constructor(
- /**
- The start of the range deleted/replaced in the old document.
- */
- fromA,
- /**
- The end of the range in the old document.
- */
- toA,
- /**
- The start of the range inserted in the new document.
- */
- fromB,
- /**
- The end of the range in the new document.
- */
- toB,
- /**
- Data associated with the deleted content. The length of these
- spans adds up to `this.toA - this.fromA`.
- */
- deleted,
- /**
- Data associated with the inserted content. Length adds up to
- `this.toB - this.toA`.
- */
- inserted) {
- this.fromA = fromA;
- this.toA = toA;
- this.fromB = fromB;
- this.toB = toB;
- this.deleted = deleted;
- this.inserted = inserted;
- }
- /**
- @internal
- */
- get lenA() { return this.toA - this.fromA; }
- /**
- @internal
- */
- get lenB() { return this.toB - this.fromB; }
- /**
- @internal
- */
- slice(startA, endA, startB, endB) {
- if (startA == 0 && startB == 0 && endA == this.toA - this.fromA &&
- endB == this.toB - this.fromB)
- return this;
- return new Change(this.fromA + startA, this.fromA + endA, this.fromB + startB, this.fromB + endB, Span.slice(this.deleted, startA, endA), Span.slice(this.inserted, startB, endB));
- }
- /**
- This merges two changesets (the end document of x should be the
- start document of y) into a single one spanning the start of x to
- the end of y.
- */
- static merge(x, y, combine) {
- if (x.length == 0)
- return y;
- if (y.length == 0)
- return x;
- let result = [];
- // Iterate over both sets in parallel, using the middle coordinate
- // system (B in x, A in y) to synchronize.
- for (let iX = 0, iY = 0, curX = x[0], curY = y[0];;) {
- if (!curX && !curY) {
- return result;
- }
- else if (curX && (!curY || curX.toB < curY.fromA)) { // curX entirely in front of curY
- let off = iY ? y[iY - 1].toB - y[iY - 1].toA : 0;
- result.push(off == 0 ? curX :
- new Change(curX.fromA, curX.toA, curX.fromB + off, curX.toB + off, curX.deleted, curX.inserted));
- curX = iX++ == x.length ? null : x[iX];
- }
- else if (curY && (!curX || curY.toA < curX.fromB)) { // curY entirely in front of curX
- let off = iX ? x[iX - 1].toB - x[iX - 1].toA : 0;
- result.push(off == 0 ? curY :
- new Change(curY.fromA - off, curY.toA - off, curY.fromB, curY.toB, curY.deleted, curY.inserted));
- curY = iY++ == y.length ? null : y[iY];
- }
- else { // Touch, need to merge
- // The rules for merging ranges are that deletions from the
- // old set and insertions from the new are kept. Areas of the
- // middle document covered by a but not by b are insertions
- // from a that need to be added, and areas covered by b but
- // not a are deletions from b that need to be added.
- let pos = Math.min(curX.fromB, curY.fromA);
- let fromA = Math.min(curX.fromA, curY.fromA - (iX ? x[iX - 1].toB - x[iX - 1].toA : 0)), toA = fromA;
- let fromB = Math.min(curY.fromB, curX.fromB + (iY ? y[iY - 1].toB - y[iY - 1].toA : 0)), toB = fromB;
- let deleted = Span.none, inserted = Span.none;
- // Used to prevent appending ins/del range for the same Change twice
- let enteredX = false, enteredY = false;
- // Need to have an inner loop since any number of further
- // ranges might be touching this group
- for (;;) {
- let nextX = !curX ? 2e8 : pos >= curX.fromB ? curX.toB : curX.fromB;
- let nextY = !curY ? 2e8 : pos >= curY.fromA ? curY.toA : curY.fromA;
- let next = Math.min(nextX, nextY);
- let inX = curX && pos >= curX.fromB, inY = curY && pos >= curY.fromA;
- if (!inX && !inY)
- break;
- if (inX && pos == curX.fromB && !enteredX) {
- deleted = Span.join(deleted, curX.deleted, combine);
- toA += curX.lenA;
- enteredX = true;
- }
- if (inX && !inY) {
- inserted = Span.join(inserted, Span.slice(curX.inserted, pos - curX.fromB, next - curX.fromB), combine);
- toB += next - pos;
- }
- if (inY && pos == curY.fromA && !enteredY) {
- inserted = Span.join(inserted, curY.inserted, combine);
- toB += curY.lenB;
- enteredY = true;
- }
- if (inY && !inX) {
- deleted = Span.join(deleted, Span.slice(curY.deleted, pos - curY.fromA, next - curY.fromA), combine);
- toA += next - pos;
- }
- if (inX && next == curX.toB) {
- curX = iX++ == x.length ? null : x[iX];
- enteredX = false;
- }
- if (inY && next == curY.toA) {
- curY = iY++ == y.length ? null : y[iY];
- enteredY = false;
- }
- pos = next;
- }
- if (fromA < toA || fromB < toB)
- result.push(new Change(fromA, toA, fromB, toB, deleted, inserted));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- let letter;
- // If the runtime support unicode properties in regexps, that's a good
- // source of info on whether something is a letter.
- try {
- letter = new RegExp("[\\p{Alphabetic}_]", "u");
- }
- catch (_) { }
- // Otherwise, we see if the character changes when upper/lowercased,
- // or if it is part of these common single-case scripts.
- const nonASCIISingleCaseWordChar = /[\u00df\u0587\u0590-\u05f4\u0600-\u06ff\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fcc\uac00-\ud7af]/;
- function isLetter(code) {
- if (code < 128)
- return code >= 48 && code <= 57 || code >= 65 && code <= 90 || code >= 79 && code <= 122;
- let ch = String.fromCharCode(code);
- if (letter)
- return letter.test(ch);
- return ch.toUpperCase() != ch.toLowerCase() || nonASCIISingleCaseWordChar.test(ch);
- }
- // Convert a range of document into a string, so that we can easily
- // access characters at a given position. Treat non-text tokens as
- // spaces so that they aren't considered part of a word.
- function getText(frag, start, end) {
- let out = "";
- function convert(frag, start, end) {
- for (let i = 0, off = 0; i < frag.childCount; i++) {
- let child = frag.child(i), endOff = off + child.nodeSize;
- let from = Math.max(off, start), to = Math.min(endOff, end);
- if (from < to) {
- if (child.isText) {
- out += child.text.slice(Math.max(0, start - off), Math.min(child.text.length, end - off));
- }
- else if (child.isLeaf) {
- out += " ";
- }
- else {
- if (from == off)
- out += " ";
- convert(child.content, Math.max(0, from - off - 1), Math.min(child.content.size, end - off));
- if (to == endOff)
- out += " ";
- }
- }
- off = endOff;
- }
- }
- convert(frag, start, end);
- return out;
- }
- // The distance changes have to be apart for us to not consider them
- // candidates for merging.
- /**
- Simplifies a set of changes for presentation. This makes the
- assumption that having both insertions and deletions within a word
- is confusing, and, when such changes occur without a word boundary
- between them, they should be expanded to cover the entire set of
- words (in the new document) they touch. An exception is made for
- single-character replacements.
- */
- function simplifyChanges(changes, doc) {
- let result = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
- let end = changes[i].toB, start = i;
- while (i < changes.length - 1 && changes[i + 1].fromB <= end + MAX_SIMPLIFY_DISTANCE)
- end = changes[++i].toB;
- simplifyAdjacentChanges(changes, start, i + 1, doc, result);
- }
- return result;
- }
- function simplifyAdjacentChanges(changes, from, to, doc, target) {
- let start = Math.max(0, changes[from].fromB - MAX_SIMPLIFY_DISTANCE);
- let end = Math.min(doc.content.size, changes[to - 1].toB + MAX_SIMPLIFY_DISTANCE);
- let text = getText(doc.content, start, end);
- for (let i = from; i < to; i++) {
- let startI = i, last = changes[i], deleted = last.lenA, inserted = last.lenB;
- while (i < to - 1) {
- let next = changes[i + 1], boundary = false;
- let prevLetter = last.toB == end ? false : isLetter(text.charCodeAt(last.toB - 1 - start));
- for (let pos = last.toB; !boundary && pos < next.fromB; pos++) {
- let nextLetter = pos == end ? false : isLetter(text.charCodeAt(pos - start));
- if ((!prevLetter || !nextLetter) && pos != changes[startI].fromB)
- boundary = true;
- prevLetter = nextLetter;
- }
- if (boundary)
- break;
- deleted += next.lenA;
- inserted += next.lenB;
- last = next;
- i++;
- }
- if (inserted > 0 && deleted > 0 && !(inserted == 1 && deleted == 1)) {
- let from = changes[startI].fromB, to = changes[i].toB;
- if (from < end && isLetter(text.charCodeAt(from - start)))
- while (from > start && isLetter(text.charCodeAt(from - 1 - start)))
- from--;
- if (to > start && isLetter(text.charCodeAt(to - 1 - start)))
- while (to < end && isLetter(text.charCodeAt(to - start)))
- to++;
- let joined = fillChange(changes.slice(startI, i + 1), from, to);
- let last = target.length ? target[target.length - 1] : null;
- if (last && last.toA == joined.fromA)
- target[target.length - 1] = new Change(last.fromA, joined.toA, last.fromB, joined.toB, last.deleted.concat(joined.deleted), last.inserted.concat(joined.inserted));
- else
- target.push(joined);
- }
- else {
- for (let j = startI; j <= i; j++)
- target.push(changes[j]);
- }
- }
- return changes;
- }
- function combine(a, b) { return a === b ? a : null; }
- function fillChange(changes, fromB, toB) {
- let fromA = changes[0].fromA - (changes[0].fromB - fromB);
- let last = changes[changes.length - 1];
- let toA = last.toA + (toB - last.toB);
- let deleted = Span.none, inserted = Span.none;
- let delData = (changes[0].deleted.length ? changes[0].deleted : changes[0].inserted)[0].data;
- let insData = (changes[0].inserted.length ? changes[0].inserted : changes[0].deleted)[0].data;
- for (let posA = fromA, posB = fromB, i = 0;; i++) {
- let next = i == changes.length ? null : changes[i];
- let endA = next ? next.fromA : toA, endB = next ? next.fromB : toB;
- if (endA > posA)
- deleted = Span.join(deleted, [new Span(endA - posA, delData)], combine);
- if (endB > posB)
- inserted = Span.join(inserted, [new Span(endB - posB, insData)], combine);
- if (!next)
- break;
- deleted = Span.join(deleted, next.deleted, combine);
- inserted = Span.join(inserted, next.inserted, combine);
- if (deleted.length)
- delData = deleted[deleted.length - 1].data;
- if (inserted.length)
- insData = inserted[inserted.length - 1].data;
- posA = next.toA;
- posB = next.toB;
- }
- return new Change(fromA, toA, fromB, toB, deleted, inserted);
- }
- /**
- A change set tracks the changes to a document from a given point
- in the past. It condenses a number of step maps down to a flat
- sequence of replacements, and simplifies replacments that
- partially undo themselves by comparing their content.
- */
- class ChangeSet {
- /**
- @internal
- */
- constructor(
- /**
- @internal
- */
- config,
- /**
- Replaced regions.
- */
- changes) {
- this.config = config;
- this.changes = changes;
- }
- /**
- Computes a new changeset by adding the given step maps and
- metadata (either as an array, per-map, or as a single value to be
- associated with all maps) to the current set. Will not mutate the
- old set.
- Note that due to simplification that happens after each add,
- incrementally adding steps might create a different final set
- than adding all those changes at once, since different document
- tokens might be matched during simplification depending on the
- boundaries of the current changed ranges.
- */
- addSteps(newDoc, maps, data) {
- // This works by inspecting the position maps for the changes,
- // which indicate what parts of the document were replaced by new
- // content, and the size of that new content. It uses these to
- // build up Change objects.
- //
- // These change objects are put in sets and merged together using
- // Change.merge, giving us the changes created by the new steps.
- // Those changes can then be merged with the existing set of
- // changes.
- //
- // For each change that was touched by the new steps, we recompute
- // a diff to try to minimize the change by dropping matching
- // pieces of the old and new document from the change.
- let stepChanges = [];
- // Add spans for new steps.
- for (let i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) {
- let d = Array.isArray(data) ? data[i] : data;
- let off = 0;
- maps[i].forEach((fromA, toA, fromB, toB) => {
- stepChanges.push(new Change(fromA + off, toA + off, fromB, toB, fromA == toA ? Span.none : [new Span(toA - fromA, d)], fromB == toB ? Span.none : [new Span(toB - fromB, d)]));
- off = (toB - fromB) - (toA - fromA);
- });
- }
- if (stepChanges.length == 0)
- return this;
- let newChanges = mergeAll(stepChanges, this.config.combine);
- let changes = Change.merge(this.changes, newChanges, this.config.combine);
- let updated = changes;
- // Minimize changes when possible
- for (let i = 0; i < updated.length; i++) {
- let change = updated[i];
- if (change.fromA == change.toA || change.fromB == change.toB ||
- // Only look at changes that touch newly added changed ranges
- !newChanges.some(r => r.toB > change.fromB && r.fromB < change.toB))
- continue;
- let diff = computeDiff(this.config.doc.content, newDoc.content, change);
- // Fast path: If they are completely different, don't do anything
- if (diff.length == 1 && diff[0].fromB == 0 && diff[0].toB == change.toB - change.fromB)
- continue;
- if (updated == changes)
- updated = changes.slice();
- if (diff.length == 1) {
- updated[i] = diff[0];
- }
- else {
- updated.splice(i, 1, ...diff);
- i += diff.length - 1;
- }
- }
- return new ChangeSet(this.config, updated);
- }
- /**
- The starting document of the change set.
- */
- get startDoc() { return this.config.doc; }
- /**
- Map the span's data values in the given set through a function
- and construct a new set with the resulting data.
- */
- map(f) {
- let mapSpan = (span) => {
- let newData = f(span);
- return newData === span.data ? span : new Span(span.length, newData);
- };
- return new ChangeSet(this.config, this.changes.map((ch) => {
- return new Change(ch.fromA, ch.toA, ch.fromB, ch.toB, ch.deleted.map(mapSpan), ch.inserted.map(mapSpan));
- }));
- }
- /**
- Compare two changesets and return the range in which they are
- changed, if any. If the document changed between the maps, pass
- the maps for the steps that changed it as second argument, and
- make sure the method is called on the old set and passed the new
- set. The returned positions will be in new document coordinates.
- */
- changedRange(b, maps) {
- if (b == this)
- return null;
- let touched = maps && touchedRange(maps);
- let moved = touched ? (touched.toB - touched.fromB) - (touched.toA - touched.fromA) : 0;
- function map(p) {
- return !touched || p <= touched.fromA ? p : p + moved;
- }
- let from = touched ? touched.fromB : 2e8, to = touched ? touched.toB : -2e8;
- function add(start, end = start) {
- from = Math.min(start, from);
- to = Math.max(end, to);
- }
- let rA = this.changes, rB = b.changes;
- for (let iA = 0, iB = 0; iA < rA.length && iB < rB.length;) {
- let rangeA = rA[iA], rangeB = rB[iB];
- if (rangeA && rangeB && sameRanges(rangeA, rangeB, map)) {
- iA++;
- iB++;
- }
- else if (rangeB && (!rangeA || map(rangeA.fromB) >= rangeB.fromB)) {
- add(rangeB.fromB, rangeB.toB);
- iB++;
- }
- else {
- add(map(rangeA.fromB), map(rangeA.toB));
- iA++;
- }
- }
- return from <= to ? { from, to } : null;
- }
- /**
- Create a changeset with the given base object and configuration.
- The `combine` function is used to compare and combine metadata—it
- should return null when metadata isn't compatible, and a combined
- version for a merged range when it is.
- */
- static create(doc, combine = (a, b) => a === b ? a : null) {
- return new ChangeSet({ combine, doc }, []);
- }
- }
- /**
- Exported for testing @internal
- */
- ChangeSet.computeDiff = computeDiff;
- // Divide-and-conquer approach to merging a series of ranges.
- function mergeAll(ranges, combine, start = 0, end = ranges.length) {
- if (end == start + 1)
- return [ranges[start]];
- let mid = (start + end) >> 1;
- return Change.merge(mergeAll(ranges, combine, start, mid), mergeAll(ranges, combine, mid, end), combine);
- }
- function endRange(maps) {
- let from = 2e8, to = -2e8;
- for (let i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) {
- let map = maps[i];
- if (from != 2e8) {
- from = map.map(from, -1);
- to = map.map(to, 1);
- }
- map.forEach((_s, _e, start, end) => {
- from = Math.min(from, start);
- to = Math.max(to, end);
- });
- }
- return from == 2e8 ? null : { from, to };
- }
- function touchedRange(maps) {
- let b = endRange(maps);
- if (!b)
- return null;
- let a = endRange(maps.map(m => m.invert()).reverse());
- return { fromA: a.from, toA: a.to, fromB: b.from, toB: b.to };
- }
- function sameRanges(a, b, map) {
- return map(a.fromB) == b.fromB && map(a.toB) == b.toB &&
- sameSpans(a.deleted, b.deleted) && sameSpans(a.inserted, b.inserted);
- }
- function sameSpans(a, b) {
- if (a.length != b.length)
- return false;
- for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
- if (a[i].length != b[i].length || a[i].data !== b[i].data)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- export { Change, ChangeSet, Span, simplifyChanges };