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- import './_version.js';
- /**
- * Allows developers to copy a response and modify its `headers`, `status`,
- * or `statusText` values (the values settable via a
- * [`ResponseInit`]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Response/Response#Syntax}
- * object in the constructor).
- * To modify these values, pass a function as the second argument. That
- * function will be invoked with a single object with the response properties
- * `{headers, status, statusText}`. The return value of this function will
- * be used as the `ResponseInit` for the new `Response`. To change the values
- * either modify the passed parameter(s) and return it, or return a totally
- * new object.
- *
- * This method is intentionally limited to same-origin responses, regardless of
- * whether CORS was used or not.
- *
- * @param {Response} response
- * @param {Function} modifier
- * @memberof workbox-core
- */
- declare function copyResponse(response: Response, modifier?: (responseInit: ResponseInit) => ResponseInit): Promise<Response>;
- export { copyResponse };